Jewish Community Center Launches Adult Learning Institute

The Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia (JCCNV) has announced the inaugural semester of the Adult Learning Institute (ALI). Located at the Jewish Community Center of Northern Virginia, ALI is dedicated to offering adults of all ages fulfilling opportunities to continue their love of learning and nourish their intellectual curiosity.

Course topics include: arts and entertainment, history, Israeli and Jewish culture, health and well being, and politics. To register for classes, visit or visit the JCCNV to complete a registration form. Course registration kick-off will be held during the week of Aug. 19 in the JCCNV lobby. The first 50 people to register for one or more classes will receive a special gift.

Fall 2013 ALI Course Schedule:

  • Coming to America in the Early 1900s: The Immigrant Experience—Tuesdays, Sept. 17–Oct. 1 (3 weeks), 9:45 a.m.–11a.m. Instructor: Sharon Hodges, genealogist, teacher and lecturer. Fee: $36/$24 JCCNV member. Code: #4567

  • The 2013 Virginia Gubernatorial Election—Mondays, Sept. 23–Oct. 7 (3 weeks), 12:15–1:30 p.m. Instructors: Debra Gold Linick, director for DC and Northern Virginia, Jewish Community Relations Council; Dr. Toni Travis, associate professor of Public and International Affairs, George Mason University; and Ron Kampeas, Washington Bureau chief, Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Fee: $36/$24 JCCNV member. Code: #4565

  • Inside Israel Today: Israel at 65—Mondays, Oct. 28–Nov. 25 (4 weeks, no class Nov. 18), 9:45–11 a.m. Instructors: Arielle Farber Poleg, Israel Action Center director, Jewish Community Relations Council; Alexis Schwartz, program associate, Israel Action Center, Jewish Community Relations Council; Robert Budoff, Temple B’nai Shalom vice president and founder/leader of IsraelTalk discussion group; and a representative of the Embassy of Israel (TBA). Fee: $48/$32 JCCNV member. Code: #4659

  • Computer and Network Security for Dummies—Thursdays, Oct. 10–24 (3 weeks), 7:30–9 p.m. Instructor: Susan Attas Zuckerman who has more than 13 years of experience working as a senior INFOSEC scientist at a federally funded research and development center, supporting the Dept. of Defense in the areas of information awareness policy and the development of secure software configurations to protect DoD computers against malicious code. Fee: $55/$48 JCCNV member Code: #4454

For more information about the JCCNV Adult Learning Institute, call 703-323-0880 or contact Carla Rosenfeld at or Sheila Budoff at