Week in Fairfax

Crime Victims 5K Walk

The first-ever 5K walk dedicated to crime victims in Fairfax County will be held in honor of the 2013 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week. This free event is slated for Sunday, April 21, at 4:30 p.m., at Fairfax Corner. It’s hosted by the Victims Services Section of the county Police Department and the Fairfax County Law Enforcement Foundation.

Area residents may join the professionals who support local victims of homicide, trauma, sexual and domestic violence, child physical and sexual abuse, stalking human trafficking and suicide as they walk together.

The event will feature a resource fair, plus live jazz, rhythm and blues by the E & ME Band. Also planned are opening remarks by Commonwealth Attorney Ray Morrogh, a candlelight vigil in honor of victims after the walk, and remarks from Lorraine Reed Whoberry, a homicide survivor and founder of the S.T.A.C.I.E. Foundation.

Register at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/survey/crimevictimsrights.htm. Learn more about the FCPD Victim Services Unit at http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/police/services/victim-services.htm.

Helping Keep Children Safe

City of Fairfax police, in conjunction with the Optimist Club of Fairfax, will be offering Safe Assured identification kits for children on Saturday, April 6, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., at the City of Fairfax Police Department, 3730 Old Lee Highway.

Parents will receive a full-color photo ID and a mini-CD containing digital fingerprints, a digital photo, video showing movement and mannerisms, a general physical description, vital personal information and a family code word. Private information is encrypted and accessible only by law enforcement.

Missing-persons posters can be created and printed directly from the mini-CD in English, Spanish and French. The Safe Assured ID kits can also be used as a valuable aid for adults with special needs. The kits are free and an appointment is necessary. Call Sgt. Kyle Penman at 703-385-7923.