Robinson Graduate Wins Bull Run Civil War Round Table Scholarship

The winner of this year’s Bull Run CWRT scholarship of $1500 is Brooke Roberts, a 2016 graduate of Robinson High School and the daughter of Jennifer and Charles Roberts of Burke. Brooke’s application highlighted her interest in American history which was shown by her overall academic achievement and her wide range of extracurricular activities. Included with her application was a well-written essay about her visit to a local Civil War site.

She earned a GPA of over 4.0, and was a member of the National Honor Society. Her courses included several AP and Honors courses. Besides soccer and cross country sports, Brooke participated in Model United Nations activities, held offices in more than one club, and won an award for her National History Day exhibit.

Brooke’s teacher recommendation, which was written by her AP Government and IB Geography teacher, Robert Garza, described her interest in history and related that she “easily draws connections between the past and the present and grounds her understanding of current issues in the context of historical events.” Brooke’s scholarship essay topic was the “Dogan House and its Inhabitants During the Battle of Second Manassas,” which added information about what happened to the house and the family after the Civil War. Brooke will attend George Washington University in the fall where she’ll major in Political Science.

2017 Scholarship Info will be available Oct. 1 on