Weekend Fun: June 24-26

Friday-Saturday/June 24-25

SkateFest/Sake for a Cause. Friday. 5-10 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Wakefield Skate Park, 8100 Braddock Road, Annandale. In addition to "Sk8 For A Cause" and the Skateboarding Competition, the festival will feature a live DJ, food, vendors, prizes, giveaways, moon bounces, and much more for the whole family. http://skatefestfairfax.com/2016. 703-425-5400.

Saturday/June 25

Sherryn Craig Author Event. 11 a.m. Barnes and Noble Fairfax, 12193 Fair Lakes Promenade Drive, Fairfax. Athor of "Midnight Madness at The Zoo." 703-278-8527.

Antique Car Show. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Fairfax City Hall, 10455 Armstrong St., Fairfax. With bluegrass music and food. Free. visitfairfax.com. info@nvrg.org.

Hope and Health Festival. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Lorton Park, 9518 Richmond Highway, Lorton. Sponsored by Lorton Community Action Center, South County Cares, and INOVA. Free health screenings, food, inflatables, kids’ games and activities will be available to all in attendance. LortonAction.org. 703-339-5161, ext. 140.

Gymboree Play Day. 2-7 p.m. Gymboree Play and Music, 6045 Burke Centre Parkway #204, Burke. Families with children 0-5 years old are welcome to drop-in for play activities, flying parachutes, blasts of bubbles, art, music, balloons, Sheriff's department child ID program, touch a truck. 703-249-1327.

Kidz Korner. 10:30-11:30 a.m. Old Town Square, 3999 University Drive, Fairfax. Variety of Children's activities and entertainment. fairfax.gov/parksrec. 703-385-7858.

Relaxation Workshop. 4-6:30 p.m. 6429 Clifton Road, Clifton. NVTRP is hosting a Relaxation Workshop, which includes yoga, art, and a ride in our pastures. $75. nvtrp.org

Saturday-Sunday/June 25-26

Vienna Wireless Society National Field Day. 2 p.m. Burke Lake Park, 7315 Ox Road, Fairfax Station. Local amateur radio operators (“hams”) will join thousands nationwide on the weekend of June 25-26 to show off their amateur-radio and emergency-communications capabilities. To learn more about amateur radio, visit http://viennawireless.net/ or go to http://www.arrl.org/newham.

Sunday/June 26

National Christian Choir. 6 p.m. Jubilee Christian Center, 4650 Shirley Gate Road, Fairfax. Concert will feature selections from NCC's newest album, "Glory - A Celebration of God and Country." The concert is free; an offering will be received. 703-383-1170. jccag.org.

Sunday Afternoon in the Park. 4-6 p.m. Old Town Square, 3740 Old Lee Highway, Fairfax. Shepherd’s Pie Céilí Band will be performing, enjoy music, dancing, and singing. 703-385-7858.