Letter: Budget Reflects Commitment to Education

To the Editor

To the Editor:

The April 21-27, 2016 edition included an article discussing the Supervisors’ approval of a 4-cent tax increase as part of an overall budget. This budget increased funding for the Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS). More importantly, it reflected a commitment to education and was an increase over the earlier Fairfax County advertised budget. The article quoted Springfield District School Board member Elizabeth Schultz. Rather than noting the importance of the funding to maintain the quality of our school and focusing on teachers and students, Ms. Schultz chose to bring up her perception of the need for less adversarial communication with the Board, more collaboration with the Board, and more clarity on spending. We should all remember that Ms.Schultz voted against the FCPS budget and wanted FCPS to submit a budget that reflected the County's initial advertised budget. That was the wrong position to take. We should thank Dr. Garza and the school board members who pressed forward with the budget request and the justifications that resulted in the increase....no thanks to Ms. Schultz.

Michael Spatola

Fairfax Station