Fairfax Futures Welcomes New Executive Director

Sallyann Bergh joins Fairfax Futures as its new executive director, replacing Vera Blore, who is relocating after having served in the role for nearly eight years. Bergh joins the organization after a five-year stint at the Pew Charitable Trusts.

“We are delighted to welcome Sallyann Bergh to this key leadership position at Fairfax Futures,” said Cathy Lange, Chairman of the organization. “Through her work at the Pew Charitable Trusts, she understands the importance of investing in quality early childhood education as key to school readiness and later academic and workforce success. The Board of Directors looks forward to working with her as we continue to partner with Fairfax County Office for Children, Northern Virginia area corporations and community organizations to achieve shared goals that support families and employers in our region.”

Fairfax Futures is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring that Fairfax County’s youngest children are well prepared to succeed in school and in life.