Monday, December 17, 2018
Covanta Fairfax and the Fairfax County Department of Public Works, in partnership with American Legion Post 177, have launched a U.S. flag retirement program to reverently dispose of old, worn American flags.
While many veteran organizations have flag collection programs in place, the quantity of retired American flags they receive can be overwhelming. Fairfax County employees have been finding an increasing number of improperly disposed flags in the waste stream.
To solve this problem and provide an outlet for the honorable disposal of American flags, Fairfax County’s Department of Public Works has placed collection boxes at the I-66 Transfer Station, I-95 Landfill, Fairfax County Government Center and local police stations for flag drop-off by residents of Fairfax County. Flags will be collected free of charge and prepared for retirement in the customary manner and in accordance with U.S. Flag Code by the American Legion Post 177 with the assistance of the Boy Scout of America Troop 1887. Prepared flags will be retired at Covanta Fairfax in the customary manner and in accordance with guidance from the American Legion.
To mark the first delivery of prepared flags, Covanta Fairfax hosted a formal flag retirement ceremony that was led by Jeff White, Commander at American Legion Post 177 and attended by Supervisor Daniel G. Storck (D-Mt. Vernon), Deputy Director of Fairfax County Public Works and Environmental Services John Kellas, representatives of Boy Scouts Troop 1887 and local veterans.
For more information, visit