Monday, July 30, 2018
Supervisor John C. Cook and the Braddock District Council held their annual “Best of Braddock” community awards ceremony on July 11 at the Braddock District Supervisor’s office.
More than 50 people attended the picnic and awards ceremony to honor neighbors and public servants who make the Braddock District a better place to live. Supervisor Cook was joined by U.S. Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-11), delegates David Bulova (D-37) and Vivian Watts (D-39) in awarding the recipients with plaques, congressional records, and special state recognitions.
The Best of Braddock winners included:
- Marilyn Sitts, who was recognized for her work as the head of the Old Forge/Surrey Square Hospitality Committee.
- Donna Fricas, another Old Forge/Surrey Square resident, received an award for starting and maintaining a “Little Free Library” in her neighborhood.
- Judy Nitsche was named Best of Braddock for her lead role in organizing the Friends of King’s Park Library Book Sale, which she has chaired for 10 years. Her work helped raise over $300,000 for the library.
- Cathy DeLoach and Mary Hovland were recognized for organizing the Second Ever King’s Park West Tour of Homes, which raised $4,000 to benefit the Commonwealth Swim Club, the Lakeview Swim Club, the Kings Ridge Swim Club and the Kings Park West Civic Association.
- Sarah Lennon was honored for her efforts as the Kings Park West Civic Association (KPWCA) Parks & Lake Chairperson and the KPWCA Road Raiders Coordinator.
- Evan Braff and Paul Woods from Neighborhood and Community Services were given their award for implementing the Burke/West Springfield Senior Center Without Walls and Neighborhood College.
At the end of the ceremony, Supervisor Cook gave a special speech to thank George Klein for bringing the community together as the Braddock District Council president over the last four years.