Thursday, March 8, 2018
Supervisor Pat Herrity (R-Springfield) has announced a schedule of upcoming Teen Job Fairs and Résumé Building Workshops.
“They give our teens the opportunity to speak with employers, and businesses an opportunity to connect with teens looking for jobs. Many teens have left the fair with actual jobs and many more with scheduled interviews,” said Herrity. “Since holding my first teen job fair in 2014 at West Springfield High School, I have partnered with the Connection Newspapers, other Supervisors, local chambers of commerce, Fairfax County Public Schools and the county government to grow to six job fairs this year across the county. During our four job fairs last year we had combined attendance of over 2,000 Fairfax County teenagers and 120 employers. These job fairs provided hundreds of teenagers the opportunity to get in front of employers, and for employers and volunteer organizations to find talented, driven Fairfax County students to fill their positions.”
The schedule and the other individual co-sponsors are listed below:
Saturday, March 10, 1-3 p.m.
Woodson High School, Co-sponsored by Supervisor Linda Smyth, Supervisor John Cook, Central Fairfax Chamber of Commerce, and Woodson High School
Saturday, March 17, 1-3 p.m.
South County High School, Co-sponsored by Supervisor Dan Storck, South Fairfax Chamber of Commerce, South County Federation, and South County High School
Saturday, April 7, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Chantilly High School, Co-sponsored by Supervisor Kathy Smith, Chantilly HS STEM Academy, and Dulles Regional Chamber of Commerce
Saturday, April 14, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Mount Vernon High School, Co-sponsored by Supervisor Dan Storck, Supervisor Jeff McKay, Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce, and Mount Vernon High School
Saturday, April 21, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
South Lakes High School, Co-sponsored by Supervisor Cathy Hudgins and Reston Chamber of Commerce
Saturday, April 28, 12 noon-2 p.m.
West Springfield High School, Co-sponsored by West Springfield HS Student Government Association and Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce