Thursday, May 10, 2018
Sheehy Subaru of Springfield recently presented the Inova Children’s Hospital with a $47,000 donation raised as part of the 2017 Subaru Share the Love campaign.
The Share the Love event ran from Nov. 16, 2017 through Jan. 2, 2018, and allowed Subaru retailers, such as Sheehy Subaru of Springfield, the opportunity to select charities operating in their community to be included in a list of organizations that new owners can select from to receive a $250 donation from Subaru of America, Inc. For a second year in a row, there was no cap on the total donation from Subaru to its Share the Love charitable partners.
Sheehy Subaru of Springfield donated an additional $50 per vehicle for the charity as part of the overall donation.
Inova Children's Hospital is an award-winning, full-service children’s hospital devoted to the healthcare of infants, children and adolescents in the Northern Virginia area.
For more information, visit or call 703- 712-8700.