Saturday, September 8, 2018
In the first week of the new school year, The Connection has asked the area school principals to respond to three questions:
1 - What are the most exciting developments in your school in the new school year?
2 - What would be your, one-sentence, message to parents, community?
3 - Any upcoming events, activities?
Here are their responses:
Dan Phillips, Principal, Providence Elementary School:
1 – We are adding an advanced academics program for our third graders this year, and we are really excited about the opportunity to use these rich curriculum materials with all of our students in science and social studies this year. Daniels Run in Fairfax City is doing the same.
2 – Our focus will be on providing opportunity for every student, making connections with every child and family, and providing solid instruction every day.
3 – Our awesome PTA has many events planned, including a Read-A-Thon in September and a book fair and movie under the stars October. We will also hold our annual STEAM and Family Heritage Nights this fall and winter. We love it when our families come together at our school!
Candace Hunstad, Principal, and Courtney Korb, Assistant Principal, Fairhill Elementary:
1 - Our Tigers are excited for year two of being a partner school with The Positivity Project. Our staff and students really embody the mindset that Other People Matter as they continue to learn about the 24 character strengths of positive psychology that we all possess. As much as other people matter, our Tigers will also be learning that our environment matters as they explore environmental issues. We will build a sustainable rain garden and butterfly garden to foster awareness of environmental needs as our students use their critical thinking skills as one of the key components of Portrait of a Graduate.
2 - We see you, we welcome you and you belong here!
3 - Mark your calendars now for Fairhill's biggest fundraiser for the 2018-19 school year. For the week of Sept. 24-28, The Fairhill PTA is sponsoring a Fairhill Fitness Week. The entire week will feature lots of high energy, creative fitness activities, led by our outstanding Physical Education team, and ending with a Pledge Fun Run Fundraiser for all Fairhill students. More information (in English and Spanish) is available at
Adam Erbrecht, Lauren Hein, and Michael Parker, Partner Principals, Daniels Run Elementary:
1 - Daniels Run Elementary empowers our students to develop themselves, inspire others, and impact society in a positive way. We do this by giving all students access to opportunities that promote deep learning beyond just the academic curriculum. Through the Positivity Project, Project Based Learning, and Student Inquiry and Ownership, our students find strengths in themselves and others that foster positive relationships based on their assets rather than their deficits. They develop a sense of identity, engagement, and well-being. They learn that other people matter.
2 - Other People Matter.
3 - Our Back to School Night Picnic will take place on Sept. 13. We invite all our Daniels Run families. There will be food trucks for food purchase or you may bring your own meals or snacks. Most importantly it’s an evening to reconnect and connect with other Daniels Run families. Don’t miss the moon bounce!
Erin B. Lenart, Principal, Fairfax High School:
1 - The visIon of Fairfax High School was crafted by teacher leaders two years ago: Build one community committed to lifelong learning. Fairfax High School will take a deeper dive into the learning opportunities we provide our students, with our staff working in a structure of shared leadership and choice-professional development to improve and enhance classroom instruction.
With regards to community, we are on a mission to make school spirit and culture our priority. We excel in academics (Virginia Distinguished School Award recipient last year), and though our teachers will continue to refine their teaching practices, we will continue to find ways to ensure that all students find a home and sense of belonging. We are Fairfax. We are Family.
2 - It will take the hard work, passion, and dedication of all of us to reach every single student.
3 - Sept. 6: Back to School Night; Oct. 5: Homecoming.
Sharyn Prindle, Principal, Wakefield Forest Elementary:
1 - We are excited to continue the school-based initiatives of weekly STEAM instruction, Friday electives (grades 5-6), Friday Innovation Hour (grades K-4), mindfulness integration, 1:1 technology and The Positivity Project (character education).
2 - Wakefield Forest ES is a school that embraces the development of the whole child.
3 - Back to School Night is Sept. 12, from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Liz Bumbrey, Principal, Fairfax Villa Elementary:
1 - This year, Fairfax Villa is excited to provide advanced math classes in grades 3-6. Students in grades 5 and 6 will take part in the 1:1 Technology Initiative as they are given laptops to use as a resource to support instruction. In addition, students will continue to learn how to develop positive character through the Positivity Project. Finally, we are introducing a current events class in grades 3 and 4 to support students in developing their skills in communication, collaboration, ethical and global citizenship, creative and critical thinking, as well as developing as goal-directed and resilient individuals.
2 - This year Fairfax Villa will continue to build success through equitable practices, active engagement, and using positive energy to support all students.
3 - Our PTA is hosting a movie night featuring Toy Story on Sept. 7, at 6:45 p.m. Our first PTA meeting is scheduled for Sept. 19, at 7 pm. The Advanced Academic Parent Information Meeting is scheduled for Sept. 26 at 9:30 am.
Mary Thomson-Martin, Finance Technician/Admin Assistant, Greenbriar East Elementary:
1 - At Greenbriar East Elementary (GBE), we are thrilled to have been awarded a Digital Tech grant for equipment, including a green screen, to use in our news studio. Our students will be working collaboratively together to create digital media that will be broadcasted on the FCPS Red Apple Channel 21.
2 - At GBE, our students are growing into collaborative communicators, ethical digital learners, and global citizens. We look forward to partnering with parents for a year of fun and learning!
3 - GBE is excited to once again announce our Fall Festival scheduled for Oct. 20. This a fun-filled day for students, parents and the surrounding community to come enjoy games, outdoor activities and our ever popular, Basket Raffle. The Festival is hosted by the amazing PTA here at GBE – make plans now to join us!