Virginia Master Naturalist Program Graduates Spring Class

The 2020 Spring class of Virginia Master Naturalists (VMN) graduated, finally, in a Zoom ceremony on Dec. 14. The 10 graduates from across northern Virginia are now prepared to conduct and participate in area environmental service projects and programs sponsored by the State-wide organization. An additional nine members of the class will complete their elements in coming months. Noting the “great resilience exhibited by the graduates,” Ron Grimes, Fairfax Chapter Vice President, commented on the numerous disruptions caused by the pandemic which extended the Spring class, intended to end in May, well into the Fall.

Graduates completed 12 three-hour classes in earth sciences, four day-long field trips to local parks, offered group presentations, and successfully completed a 100-question final examination to complete the course. Final certification as a Master Naturalist requires 40 service hours and 8 continuing education hours, normally completed within six months of course completion. Two graduates already have completed this requirement. The service hour and education requirements are repeated each year to continue certification.

Begun in mid-February, the class met a few times at the Fairfax County Government Center, until Covid 19 restrictions ended meetings in the building. After delivering some on-line meetings during April and May, classes were suspended until instructional plans could be revamped and re-started in September, with restructured field trips held in October.

“Virginia Master Naturalists” is an all-volunteer organization which provides education, outreach, and service for the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas in the Commonwealth. The organization, its training program and projects are jointly sponsored by the following state agencies and departments: Virginia Cooperative Extension; Game and Inland Fisheries; Forestry; Conservation and Recreation; Museum of Natural History; Environmental Quality.

The program is accepting applications now through Dec. 23, for the next spring class, expected to run from Feb. 18 through May 13. For more information on the program and the Spring 2021 class, visit