Seven Running for Fairfax City Council

Candidates in their own words.

The incumbents are So Lim, Janice Miller, Jon Stehle and Sang Yi. Challengers are Kate Doyle Feingold, Joe Harmon and Tom Ross.

So Lim

City of Fairfax is where my husband and I raised my family and operated my business for the past 20 years. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as your Council Member since 2018. I have dedicated my service to improve and enhance our wonderful city. I am seeking re-election to continue my efforts to promote the growth of small businesses, emphasizing smart growth and appropriate land use that retains our unique historical small town charm, ensure affordable and diverse housing options, make our neighborhoods safer and pedestrian-friendly, and ensure City continues to provide excellent city services at the least amount of tax burden to the residents.

As a Council Member, my commitment is to our residents and our community. I believe in resident empowerment — the people of Fairfax should have a voice in matters that are important to them. I will use my leadership experience as an entrepreneur and a problem solver to understand the issues, tackle the challenges and offer practical solutions to keep our local government operating effectively. This is my promise and I hope to earn your vote.

Janice Miller

Over the past two months, our world has changed dramatically, and COVID-19 has profoundly changed us. Top priorities moving forward: 1. Join together to energize our local economy and to support our small businesses. 2. Continue to work together to encourage reasonable development. 3. Manage the City budget to maximize services.

I am running because I believe in this community and want to represent residents’ views. I bring a strong voice and decades of community experience to City Hall. As an experienced Council member and former School Board member, I value collegial working relationships with other elected officials, thoughtful review and analysis of City business, listening to others and providing outstanding constituent services. I pledge to do my best for City residents and the business community.

Jon Stehle

The City is where Steph and I chose to start our family, and we are proud that the City of Fairfax is Zoe and Cooper’s hometown. I am running for reelection to continue to: ensure our community gets value for our tax dollars with top-notch services, connect with local businesses to move our economy forward, and to work to maintain our City’s unique, community feel.

We are facing an unprecedented time and will need a strong team in place to address the physical, mental, social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. I bring experience, commitment, and an engaging approach to the City Council. I ask for your vote, by mail or in person, to continue to serve you with integrity on the City Council.

Sang Yi

I love our City and the people who make it special. I have dedicated my entire, adult life to service and hope to continue serving you on the City Council. If re-elected – especially during the recovery phases of COVID-19 – I will continue to advocate for the preservation of our City’s character and family-friendly environment, promote economic development and seek the most efficient and disciplined use of City taxpayer dollars.

Professionally, I also serve as a Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve and as a senior aide on Capitol Hill, focused on government-oversight issues. I am a graduate of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, U.S. Naval War College and George Washington University Law School. Please visit to learn more about my candidacy.

Kate Doyle Feingold

I am a mother, an attorney, a USMC veteran and just completed my PhD from GMU in Criminology, Law & Society. I care about Fairfax City and want to preserve its historic, small-town appeal. I have experience writing ordinances and legislation and want to use my critical thinking and research skills to find cost-effective, creative solutions for our City.

My children attend Daniels Run Elementary and we enjoy walking to school every day and walking to visit all the local businesses. I believe we need to protect our green and open spaces, as well as protect the health of our waterways in the City. I also believe we need to think critically about what development is approved and seek out and listen to residents’ opinions.

Joe Harmon

Development in the City is at an all-time high. It’s a good problem to have, but what we build now will determine our future. I am running to renew our sense of community and small-town appeal. I have served on the City of Fairfax Industrial Development Authority (four years), the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (eight years, four as chairman), and served on the Planning Commission (six years).

I am passionate about making our City a better place for our children and our future. We should encourage policies that welcome everyone and provide for consistent and thoughtful new growth and inclusion. If elected, I will work to ensure livable home neighborhoods, a thriving City economy and vibrant, walkable places to work, shop, and play.

D.T. “Tom” Ross

As a longtime resident of the City, I have actively served on a variety of boards and commissions, including as Chair of the Planning Commission, the Electoral Board, a member of the Charter Commission and the 2020 Commission. My experience in City affairs, plus my professional background with the National Park Service as an Assistant Director, have provided me with the ability to serve you in a dedicated and experienced manner. Experience matters!

My priorities will be to help us recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 epidemic, support our local businesses and excellent services, and invest in our community for the future. Please visit my Website:

I welcome your thoughts.