‘Make No Mistake – Black History Is America’s History’
FCPS holds special event at Woodson High School.
FCPS holds special event at Woodson High School.
GMU Professor Warns of Censorship.
‘Your Power Is In Curiosity, So Be Fearlessly Inquisitive’
‘Your Power Is In Curiosity, So Be Fearlessly Inquisitive’
Two Woodson Students Share Their Thoughts
Taking pride in one’s heritage to create a better future.
Taking pride in one’s heritage to create a better future.

Fairfax City’s Proposed FY 26 Budget Unveiled
Recommends a 9.5-cent, residential real-estate tax hike.
Recommends a 9.5-cent, residential real-estate tax hike.

Fairfax City Proclaims Black History Month
Local pastor recites King’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech.
Local pastor recites King’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech.

Community Mourns Young Ice Skaters Gone Too Soon
Two Woodson High students die in tragic plane crash.
Two Woodson High students die in tragic plane crash.
Fairfax City Celebrates 31 Years of Chocolate Festival
Three-day extravaganza runs Jan. 31-Feb. 2.
Three-day extravaganza runs Jan. 31-Feb. 2.

Local Marine Veteran Receives Quilt of Valor
Jim Wescoat, 103, is honored before friends and family.
Jim Wescoat, 103, is honored before friends and family.

Fairfax City Council and Mayor Are Sworn In
Former government leader urges them to work together.
Former government leader urges them to work together.

‘This is a Historic Moment in the City of Fairfax’
Stacey Hardy-Chandler: First Black Woman on City Council.
Stacey Hardy-Chandler: First Black Woman on City Council.

Chanukah Celebration Is Planned in Fairfax City
A Chanukah celebration is planned for Wednesday, Dec. 25, from 5:30-7:30 p.m., in Old Town Square. Rabbi Sholom Deitsch of Chabad Lubavitch of Northern Virginia will light the menorah.

Controversy Erupts over Fairfax City Manager’s Firing
Deputy city manager and police chief leaving in January.
Deputy city manager and police chief leaving in January.
Fairfax’s Fun-Filled Festival of Lights and Carols
Fairfax’s Fun-Filled Festival of Lights and Carols
Holiday Markets, Entertainment, in Fairfax City
Family fun, as well, at the Festival of Lights and Carols.
Holiday Markets, Entertainment, in Fairfax City

CFTC Presents ‘Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins’
A new, holiday play geared for both children and adults.
A new, holiday play geared for both children and adults.

Dancing Reindeer, Elves, Toy Soldiers and Santa
Encore presents its holiday show, ‘Time for Christmas.’
Encore presents its holiday show, ‘Time for Christmas.’
Local Nonprofits Need Your Help
Britepaths, Lamb Center seek holiday donations.
Britepaths, Lamb Center seek holiday donations.

Fairfax Ballet Company Presents ‘The Nutcracker’
Chantilly High student dances with NYC professionals.

‘Reminder of the Painstakingly High Cost of Freedom’
Fairfax City celebrates America's veterans.
Fairfax City celebrates America's veterans.
John Mason Honored by General Assembly
‘Emblematic of the unflinching spirit of our veterans.’
John Mason Honored

Reimagining of a Classic Story in Futuristic Setting
Centreville High’s Cappies play is ‘Antigone: 3021.’

Read Wins Re-election as Fairfax City’s Mayor
One Council seat is yet to be decided.
One Council seat is yet to be decided.

‘Like an Adam Sandler Movie with Shakespeare’s Language’
Fairfax High presents ‘Much Ado About Nothing.’
Much Ado

Glebe View Townhouse Project at a Glance
Fairfax Presbyterian Church, at 10723 Main St. and Presbyterian Way in Fairfax City, has donated some 1.6 acres of its land for affordable homes, called Glebe View Townhouses, to be built there. Habitat for Humanity NOVA is the developer, and nonprofit Homestretch/Sacred Homes will own two of the houses. HomeAid will provide building materials and tradesman expertise at reduced prices.

‘A Joyous Day Filled with Hope, Progress and Possibility’
Ground is broken for affordable homes in Fairfax City.
Ground is broken for affordable homes in Fairfax City.

People Coming Together for Good in Time of Need
Fairfax’s American Legion Post 177 helps hurricane victims.
After Hurricane Helene dealt a devastating blow to Western North Carolina – washing away homes and livelihoods and leaving many residents and businesses without drinkable water or electricity – American Legion Post 177 in Fairfax City just had to do something. So it began collecting items for the victims and then delivering them.

Love Runs Amok in Hilarious Shakespearean Comedy
Westfield High presents ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream.’
Westfield High presents ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream.’
Community Fun, Festivities under the Autumn Sun
Centreville Day was Saturday, Oct. 19
Centreville Day was Saturday, Oct. 19
Bicyclist, 89, Killed in Collision with Car
Bicyclist, 89, Killed in Collision with Car

‘People Pay Attention when Projects Affect their Neighborhoods’
Fairfax City’s Susan Kuiler wants to become mayor.
Fairfax City’s Susan Kuiler wants to become mayor.
Fairfax Man, 20, Dies after Motorcycle Crash
Fairfax Man, 20, Dies after Motorcycle Crash

‘We Need to Dramatically Increase Our Commercial Tax Base’
Fairfax City Mayor Catherine Read makes her case for reelection.
Fairfax City Mayor Catherine Read makes her case for reelection.

‘What Women Do Is Figure Out How to Make It All Work’
Advice for success given at Economic Empowerment Luncheon.
More than 120 people attended the Sept. 25 Women’s Economic Empowerment Luncheon at the Sherwood Center in Fairfax.

Mixed-Use Apartment Building OKed in Northfax
Fairfax City Council approves WillowWood Phase I plan.
Apartments galore

Music, Children’s Activities, Parade, Pets and Awards
32nd annual Centreville Day is Saturday, Oct. 19.
Come one, come all – the 32nd annual Centreville Day is Saturday, Oct. 19, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m., in Historic Centreville Park. The free event is at 5714 Mount Gilead Road (off Braddock Road, across Route 29 from the IHOP) and offers fun activities for the entire family.
Fairfax Fall Festival: Food, Crafts, Music
48th annual celebration is Saturday, Oct. 12.
Fairfax Fall Festival: Food, Crafts, Music
Fairfax City Candidates Address Residents
Two are running for Mayor and 11 for City Council.
Fairfax City Kicks up its Heels on National Dance Day
Fairfax City Kicks up its Heels on National Dance Day

Fairfax City Looks Toward the Future
More multifamily homes and retail uses are planned.
While proud of its historic heritage, Fairfax City is continually modernizing and warmly welcoming new residents, businesses and commercial development.
Community News at a Glance
Community news
Empowering Fairfax City’s Women Entrepreneurs
Luncheon will provide advice, connections, to grow their businesses.
Luncheon will provide advice, connections, to grow their businesses.

Chantilly Man Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity
Pham was charged with attacking Connolly’s staffers.
Chantilly Man Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity

Taste the Flavors of the World in Fairfax City
Fairfax City Summer Restaurant Week is Sept. 2-8.
Taste the Flavors of the World in Fairfax City

Celebrating Innovative, Reimagined Coyote Grille
Fairfax City restaurant offers upscale Central and South American food
Celebrating Innovative, Reimagined Coyote Grille
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