Merry Christmas
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Supreme Court OKs Virginia Voter Purge
Wednesday morning Oct. 30, the U.S. Supreme Court overruled lower court rulings; the Supreme Court action allows Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) to move forward with a voter purge that will impact Election Day Nov. 5.

Every Year Is Election Year in Virginia
Early voting starts Friday, Sept. 20; Election Day is Nov. 5
This is a big year. Presidential elections historically draw the largest turnout. There are also important local issues and races on the ballot, including ballot questions. We’ll let you know here what’s on the ballot.

Local Writers Win Virginia Press Association Awards
Connection and Gazette garner awards for work published in 2022.
Newspaper wins awards.
Merry Christmas
Whether you embrace the Christmas story literally or in spirit, it is the story of joy, hope and love, with the promise of redemption.
2021 Children’s and Teens’ Connection
2021 Children's Edition
Opinion: Editorial: We Still Need Your Help
We all need community newspapers; community newspapers need your help.
A year later, Covid continues to be the most compelling, most local issue that we face.
Opinion: Editorial: We Still Need Your Help
Thank you to hundreds who have supported us financially, and with warm words of encouragement
In 2009, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and after a year-long journey of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, I have been fine.
Opinion: Editorial: Merry Christmas
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
The pages of the Connection (including the Alexandria Gazette Packet, the Mount Vernon Gazette, the Potomac Almanac and the Centre View) are usually full of holiday spirit, beginning before Thanksgiving.
Editorial: Merry Christmas
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
Editorial: Give Locally
For tens of thousands of families in our area, uncertainty and need; nonprofits face drop in contributions.
Opinion: Editorial: Give Locally
For tens of thousands of families in our area, uncertainty and need are distant from the celebrations and plenty that so many of us associate with this holiday period.
Opinion: Editorial: Changing Political Landscape
Don’t miss vote June 11 or before to have a say in the biggest political change in years.

Opinion: Editorial: Celebrating Mother’s Day with Photos
Send in photos now or right after you take new Mother’s Day photos; and more reasons to contact the Connection.
Opinion: Editorial: Every Year Is Election Year in Virginia; in 2019 Twice
Primary Election Day, June 11, will determine the outcome of many races in Fairfax County.
Opinion: Editorial: ‘My Hopes Have Already Been Dashed’
Current General Assembly session generates frustrations.
Opinion: Editorial: Pay Attention, State Legislature Not Gridlocked
Thousands of bills considered over 45 days could have a big impact on your life, for better or for worse.

Opinion: Editorial: Merry Christmas
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
Opinion: Editorial: Give Locally in Fairfax County
For tens of thousands of families in our area, uncertainty and need are distant from the celebrations and plenty that so many of us associate with this holiday period.
Opinion: Editorial: Give Locally in Fairfax County
For tens of thousands of poor children and families in our area, uncertainty and need are distant from the celebrations and plenty that so many of us associate with this holiday period.
Opinion: Editorial: Half Might Be Perfect
Amazon’s “second headquarters” in Arlington will bring benefits to Fairfax County.
Opinion: Editorial: Most Important Election in Fairfax County, So Far?
Make a plan to to vote with friends and family.

Editorial: Demand Increasing, But Not Resources
Suicide prevention efforts need more funds, volunteers.
Opinion: Editorial: An Open Letter to Readers and More
Buy an ad in our annual Newcomers and Community Guide, please.
Opinion: Editorial: Expansion of Health Care in Virginia?
After years of hoping, it’s possible Medicaid expansion will come on April 11; say a prayer.
Opinion: Editorial: Hope for Expanding Health Care
Just say yes to $400 million, thousands of jobs and health care for 300,000.
Opinion: Editorial: What’s Wrong with This Picture?
Male, 60 percent; female 40 percent; less than 2 percent poor; less than 2 percent African American; less than 2 percent Latino.
Opinion: Editorial: Pulling Legal Status from Local Salvadorans
Bad for communities, bad for the economy, bad for the families, and no upside.
Editorial: Merry Christmas
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
Editorial: Save Healthcare for Children Right Now
If U.S. Senate fails to act soon, 69,000 children and pregnant women in Virginia, more than 8 million nationally, will lose health coverage.
Editorial: Careful What To Wish For
Could changes in General Assembly mean some legislative requests from Northern Virginia might not be dead on arrival?
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